Friday, April 25, 2008

Citizen Journalism and Traditional Journalism

Bellow is a comment I left on a blog:
(Click here to access the blog)

Firstly, I’d like to say thanks for the good post! I am a University student and have been learning quite a bit on the topic of Citizen Journalism. I agree with your opinion that Citizen Journalism will not replace traditional Journalism as we will always need this form of media for information and facts. What I don’t agree with is that blogs should be about “story-telling”. I think blogs are an excellent source for finding opinions of ordinary folk as traditional journalism can be biased or information can be silenced. From my experience, there are blogs out there that are well written and look like a professional journalist has written them, however there are some that are the complete opposite. This is why blogs should mostly be used for opinions. The importance is to keep it balance, to consume both forms of professional and amateur media.
Another point I want to mention is how video websites such as Youtube can be used as another way to create Citizen Journalism. Yes, a lot of Videos on Youtube are completely unrelated to journalism however there are quite a few “News video-blog” channels such as Whatthebuckshow who posts video on entertainment news. There are also user-made educational videos. My prediction is that soon, more and more people will be creating their own journalism as it has become very easy to.

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